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21 Common Blogging Mistakes That Beginners Make – Fix Them Now

You must have heard your friends talking about blogs that they wrote going viral on the internet. Or read in the news about blogging becoming popular and popular every day. Then the idea of starting your own blog might have struck you. Why not you can start writing blogs. It is no rocket science. But you did not get the results that others are getting. Why? Because you are making the same common blogging mistakes that other beginners make.

That is why you must know some of the most common blogging mistakes for beginners. 

21 Common blogging mistakes that you should avoid. 

1# Not Knowing Your Audience 

The first common mistakes that new bloggers make is that they do not know the people they are writing for. You must know your readers and what they want or what they are looking for. 

For example, if you are giving them the information that they want. One should know the intention of your audience and accordingly, write for them.  

You must know if you are writing for the world or writing for a specific area or region. You should have a strategy all planned out for your blogs to target the right audience. This is a common mistake that you have to keep away from. 

2# Blogging For Money, Not Passion

If you are writing blogs with the sole purpose of making a lot of money. Then you can’t reach the heights you would if you were writing with passion.

Passion is important for anything you do for becoming an expert at that thing. Passion is like you can’t live without it. If you are passionate about boxing then you can not be a good wrestler. 

The same goes for blogging. If you wanna become a good blogger you must be passionate about it. You can’t just do this for money. Your heart should be in it also. 

blogging mistakes that you should avoid


3# Not Searching Popular Topics

As a beginner, you must be in touch with the current trends in the industry or in your niche. You must know what is viral or what the majority of people are searching in search engines.  

To get what’s popular, you can use tools like Buzzsumo or Google Trends. These platforms will get you in touch with what most people are looking for. 

4# Not taking Importance Of SEO Seriously 

SEO is a very important factor for the success of your blogs. What if you wrote an amazing blog but it isn’t ranking in top pages. Then you get no traffic, no leads, no sharing, etc. And nobody gets to read your blog. 

How you can fix this. It’s simple. You could download the Yoast SEO plugin to your WordPress. It automatically tells you all the problems on your page like keywords, readability, meta description length, etc. Improve on-page SEO and off-page SEO for good results. 

Your URL should be short and must have a keyword in it. Your title should be attractive and catchy. It also must have the targeted keyword in it. Not optimizing SEO is one of the most common blogging mistakes for beginners. 

If you want to learn who to write SEO friendly articles or blog you can check out here.

Or for better SEO results you can also learn SEO from a respected digital marketing institute. Here you can learn everything about SEO- https://www.digitalhikes.com/

5# Do Not Have An Email List

If you want more visitors and traffic to your webpage or blog then you must start creating an email list of visitors. By creating an email list you can notify these visitors about your new blog posts or anything new you uploading etc. 

You can create an email list by using tools like Hellobar, MailChimp, Email subscribers and newsletters, mailster, scrolling sidebar, etc. 


21 common blogging errors

6# Being Inconsistent 

In the blogging industry, you can’t be inconsistent with blogs. It could lower your traffic and audience. People want content regularly. 

As a beginner, you must write 3 to 4 blogs per week. This will keep you in competition and your audience would come again and again to you for more blogs. Consistency is the key to success in blogging.

7# Not Optimizing Images 

Have you ever read a blog without any images? If you have, then you must know how boring it was. You should use proper images for your blog that match with the topic that you have written on. Images bring life into your content.

For SEO, perspective, you must always use alt tags in your images with a keyword. 

8# Using long Boring paragraphs 

Most bloggers use long paragraphs and do not use heading and subheadings. This makes it hard for readers to read that content. Readers prefer to read short paragraphs. 

Dividing your blog into headings and subheading makes it easier for readers to go through the whole content easily as well as google crawler.

You should use short paras and divide your blog into parts for a better reading experience. 

9# Don’t Know Power Of Longer Content

If you are writing short contents like 500 words long or even a 1000 words long, it is not going to help. Longer content tends to rank higher in search engine rankings. 

Contents that are above 2000 words are good for ranking. If your content does not rank in top pages then nobody is going to read it. That means no traffic to your page.

You should start writing long content for better results. However, you can not compromise the quality of your content. Check out point- 15# Sacrificing Quality For Quantity.

10# Not promoting Your Blog  

You wrote a blog and now if you are wondering that traffic would come to it automatically then you are damn wrong. Nobody just can’t sit and wait for traffic and leads. 

You must promote your content on different platforms to get leads and traffic. If you are not gonna let people know about your blog then how they are going to read it. 

11# Ignoring  Comments

This is one of the most common blogging mistakes for beginners. You wrote a blog and now you are getting comments about it. You are not replying to any of those comments. This leaves a bad impression on visitors. 

When you reply to comments it makes people happy and they do not feel ignored. That is why you must reply to all the comments on your blogs. 


blogging mistakes for beginners

12# Not using conversational language

The tone and language of your content matter. People should not feel like they are reading a book while reading your blog. Your language should be conversational like you are talking with your audience. You can not use heavy words or long words that people need to look into a dictionary.  

Your blog should have simple words with a good conversational tone. 

13# Beating Around The Bush

When you are writing a blog you must talk around the central idea throughout your entire blog. You can not go off-topic. You need to reinstate your main idea a few times in the blog. 

If you are not making your point several times in your content then it does not leave a good impression. This is an important blogging mistake for beginners to avoid. 

14# Skipping Editing Part  

This is another common blogging mistake that beginners make while writing a blog. Once you are done writing your blog then you should give some to read it and edit it. 

You can set some time for editing like 30 to 40 minutes. Editing your content is always good. Because it gives a chance to improve your overall content. For example, fixing grammatical mistakes, etc.

15# Sacrificing Quality For Quantity

Long content is the key for good ranking but at the same time, you must maintain the quality and relevancy of your content.

You can not compromise the quality of your blog over quantity. Quality is what matters everywhere and it is no secret. So, keep the quality of your content for good results. 

16# Expecting Quick Results 

Most new bloggers write some blogs and they expect superfast results without making any extra effort. In blogging, it takes time to increase visitors and traffic.

You have just started and nobody knows you. You must engage more with the blogging community. Write quality and awesome blogs that people find useful. This would help you achieve fast results. 

In blogging, you have to be calm and keep patience for the results. And once you have done everything the right way, you are going to get a boost in your results. 

17# No Guest Posting

Guest posting is very important for beginners to promote themselves outside. Through guest posting, you can generate more traffic and leads to your site. 

Guest posting is crucial for any blogger. You can not ignore the opportunities to make your name outside in the blogging community. Beginners make this blogging mistake often. 

18# Using Smaller Fonts

Small fonts make it hard for readers to read your content. And it can also increase the bounce rate to your site.

People like reading content with bigger font size. It makes reading easier and more interesting. With a bigger font size, you can read fast and understand the topic a lot easier. 

If you want to keep visitors on your blog longer you have to take this point seriously. Avoid this error at all costs. 

19# Grammatical Mistakes

Spelling and grammatical errors in your blog or content leave a negative impact on users. It is not good for seo perspective also. This makes your content hard to read which is not a good signal for better results.

Keep your blog free from spelling and grammatical errors.

blogging mistakes


20# Activate social media share Buttons

Your blog should have social media sharing buttons like Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, etc. It shows your presence on different social platforms. It makes it easier for people to share your blog on these platforms. 

You can not imagine your blog’s success in today’s digital world without social media sharing of your blogs. 

You can easily put these social media share buttons in your WordPress blog. 

21# Copyright Issues might cost you a fortune

Most of the new bloggers copy things from one source and add them to their blogs. Then they face penalties. For example, you put someone else’s logo or image to your blog.

You can not copy content from other places to your blog. That is called plagiarism and you must avoid it at all costs.

What you can do is either cite the source or quote the lines that you’re using from other sources. Avoid this blogging mistake by doing this.  


These are some of the most common blogging mistakes for beginners. By avoiding these mistakes you can improve your results faster. 

As a new blogger, these common though important facts you should always keep in mind while writing or posting blogs.  


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