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How To Get Backlinks To A Website? | Backlink Building Techniques

Backlinks are very crucial for a site’s ranking and authority. Building backlinks is not that complicated but it takes some smart strategies and techniques to get backlinks to a website.

Before heading towards how to build backlinks, you must know, what are backlinks? Backlinks are links from one webpage to another webpage in simple terms.

And what are the types of backlinks? There are mainly two types of links, No follow links and do-follow links. Do-follow links pass authority and no-follow does not because the crawler does not crawl links with a No-follow tag.

So, what do backlinks do?  Backlinks increase your domain authority and that plays a factor to boost Google search engine rankings

There are a lot of techniques or ways to build them. But what you need is the most valuable and workable techniques. Techniques that will help you build quality backlinks.

9 Most Useful And Smart Ways To Get Backlinks To A Website

Ways to build backlinks

Create Untouchable Content 

First, find the topic most popular in your niche and check top pages and articles that are ranking for it.

The next step is to create content that is almost 10x better than any other content on that topic.

All you need to do is cover that particular topic completely from all the angles. Go in-depth and at the same time keep the relevancy and quality. 

This technique will work all you have to do is build your content so high that nobody can touch it by far.

Now, how you are going to earn backlinks from this. It’s simple, promote your content and there are many ways you can promote your content on the internet. By using this method you can get backlinks to a website.

Broken Link Building 

First, you have to find sites in your niche and check their broken links by using a good tool, for example, Check My Links. You find all 404 error pages of that particular site and contact the site’s owner and tell them about it and ask them to link to you.

This works because first, you provide help and then ask for something in return. This is totally different from begging for a link.

The next thing you have to do is find them broken links and use Ahref”s tool for backlinks and put in the URL and check all the people who are still linking these dead pages. Then find out what was that page about and on what topic.

After that, create an updated version of that content and reach out to all the people who are still linking to these dead pages and inform them about it and also tell them that you have a better-updated version of that page and ask them to check it out by providing the link.

Create visual Contents For Quality Backlinks 

Create visual Contents For Quality Backlinks

If you have visual content like good infographics, images, videos, etc. then it helps for your site to earn links. You can create infographics of popular topics and research. It attracts people more than some long and deep content.

People like to read and check visual contents as infographics and this will help you get some quality backlinks for your site.

Create Ultimate Guides 

This is a very useful way of earning quality backlinks from authority sites. Make some ultimate guides of some of the most popular topics or subjects in your niche. These guides should be perfect and up to point and should cover all the aspects of that topic on a single page.

These  Ultimate guides generate a lot of links to your page. Because, if people find it useful and relevant they will for sure link to it. What matters is that you must create a quality and relevant ultimate guide and cover that topic thoroughly.

If you do this then you will be able to earn a lot of quality backlinks to your website.

Blog Commenting 

It is a good technique for building backlinks. All you have to do is find all the blogs related to your topic or that are in your niche. Then you read that blog and comment about it and how it helped you or not. And finally, leave a link. 

You can not just leave a link. Your answer should be relevant to that blog or article because it really catches attention. By blog commenting, you can get many do-follow links. This is how you can get backlinks to a website.

ways to get backlinks to a website

Profile Creation 

You have to go to the various sites and platforms in your niche and what you need to look for is the option for profile creation on that site. If it has that option then you can create your profile on it and leave a link on this site.

This method is very easy and useful to get you links. All you have to do is check that the site gives do-follow links or no-follow and the domain authority score of that site. This method will get many backlinks to your website.

Write Testimonials 

You can go to various websites that allow writing testimonial and you can write a testimonial on that site and leave a link in it. And look at how easily you earned a backlink with less effort.

You can earn links if you follow this method smartly and go to sites that come in your niche and then you are all good for getting backlinks to a website.

Create Shareable Content

You must create content that is engaging and shareable. Your content should be useful and have something new and unique that it forces people to share it on other platforms and eventually help you earning backlinks.

For this technique, you have to create some awesome quality content and it will definitely earn you some links for your site.

Guest Blogging 

Guest blogging is also a very popular method of building backlinks. This also helps in building your brand awareness at the same time. When you do guest blogging you do not directly aiming for the backlinks. However, as you spend more time guest blogging, it eventually helps you get some quality backlinks for your website.


So, these are some of the most useful and valuable techniques to get backlinks to a website. If you follow this guide properly and implement these methods in a proper way then you can get some quality links to your site for sure. And as you already learned that backlinks help increase your DA score and that eventually boosts your ranking. Therefore you must know these techniques to create backlinks. 

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